Ah,...thanks para,
So it sounds like a rather quick process to perfection. First the mind,...which will reach perfection basically overnight and then the body will follow. Interesting.
I wonder how fast people will grow their legs back.
so, from what i remember,...after armageddon, those righteous jw's who make it through will have to clean up the utter devestation.
imagine 9/11 on a world-wide scale.
they also (from what i remember) will not be miraculously perfect right away.
Ah,...thanks para,
So it sounds like a rather quick process to perfection. First the mind,...which will reach perfection basically overnight and then the body will follow. Interesting.
I wonder how fast people will grow their legs back.
so, from what i remember,...after armageddon, those righteous jw's who make it through will have to clean up the utter devestation.
imagine 9/11 on a world-wide scale.
they also (from what i remember) will not be miraculously perfect right away.
So, from what I remember,...after armageddon, those righteous JW's who make it through will have to clean up the utter devestation. Imagine 9/11 on a world-wide scale. They also (from what i remember) will not be miraculously perfect right away. I believe they are supposed to grow towards perfection.
How long will this process take?
Cleaning up the aftermath of armageddon with bare hands will be one heck of difficult job. Cuts, scrapes, and bruises will occur, not to mention, the chance of infection setting in. With all the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies destroyed their won't be much in the way of caring for the wounded.
Therefore,...am I right in saying that wounds, infection, and sickness may still be a factor in the early days of the new system? What if this leads to death? What if there is an accident during the cleanup and a righteous JW falls hard enough to be killed?
In the JW mindset, would this person die? Say this person fell off the top of the rubble of a fallen skyscraper and that their fall was from 8 stories high. Would they just get back up and say, "oops", or would they die?
If they die, would Jehovah resurrect them?...and how many resurrections does one person get?
I mean this whole cleanup up business is going to be some tough work. Think about how many construction workers die in a year.
If JW's are in their original flesh and blood and they are not quite perfect yet how is it that they wouldn't get hurt or were somehow safe from death?
Lurkers,...help me with my questions.
i'm doing this well in advance so that all the wonderful people on jwd can look back later and see just how close they were to the actual number!
(it is possible the wts might stop publishing the partaker numbers) in a few days, i will duly record the link to this thread for future reference.. remember that there were 8524 partakers in 2005 and 8758 partakers in 2006, an increase of 234 partakers.
so how many remnant will partake in 2007??.
I think in reality the numbers will increase,...but the society will lie and publish a number that shows a decrease. They need to keep that excitement brewing that these folks are just about gone.
the elders cames to my home on saturday and i didn't answer the door, so they told my sister to relay the message.
the message was "you know what it's about, we're going to make the announcement next meeting".
i knew it was coming...but it feels so weird.
I don't trust people very easily and I feel sometimes like I don't fit in with the world.
I think that this is very common amongst freshly outed JW's.
Your taught to be no part of the world. They've created an us verse them mentality. They coin words like "worldly".
They paint the outside world as a place that members can't fit into. Throw in a close commune of like minded individuals and it allows identity and comfort to be found on the inside and a loss of identity, confusion, and fear on the outside.
Don't sweat it. All of this goes away. You will be just fine.
Do something you've always wanted to. Pick up a hobbie, go to school, follow a dream, but just do something.
In doing something you will meet some real people along the way who will become amazing friends.
a good friend of mine that is an ex-jws and now is a born again christian told me that she thinks that the wt society will demand jw's to accept the "mark" of the beast.
i was wondering how would this happen?
will jw's that get baptized at assemblies have to say some sort of "heil the wt society" or will they somehow denounce jehovah and jesus and praise the gb?
A good friend of mine that is an ex-jws and now is a born again christian told me that she thinks that the WT society will demand JW's to accept the "mark" of the beast. I was wondering how would this happen?
One possibility:
First of all consider the WTS teachings. They are looking for armageddon, and a "new world" to come afterwards. In recent years they have made known that they are fine with "the beast",...the United Nations. They are also looking for ones to be resurrected. One also must consider how quickly they "receive new light" and put it into affect.
Now consider how armageddon may be played out.
There has been a movement, mostly by the powers that be, toward a "just equitable and sustainable world" or a new world order. The movement is moving towards the idea of one currency, one world, one government, and one religion. The powers that be can and have been planting these seeds, but it will take a supernatural human, "the antichrist", to pull it all together and implement the ideas.
According to the bible this antichrist will perform signs, wonders, and miracles to deceive the world. He will negotiate peace in Israel. The world will marvel at what he accomplishes.
What if this antichrist ressurects a person or two? What kind of affect will that have on the WTS and it's members? What if the the antichrist speaks of returning the earth to it's original glory and speaks of a utopian society?
Based on what the WTS wants,...they could easily buy into this and potentially accept the mark.
dear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Hey CoCo,
I'm getting ready to get off of work. A little drowsy right now,...so contemplating either taking a nap or grabbing some coffee. Lord knows I have a ton of stuff to do. I should grab the coffee.
My mind has been occupied by my family lately and their responses to my most recent questions. I have three members still in the borg. I'm DA'd and haven't had any kind of a relationship with them in 15 years.
I decided that I'm going to send them a question about every other week or so. I have nothing to lose. It's not like they can shun me more than they already are.
So far I have been surprised that they have actually been replying to me. Of course, its the same mandated witness speak paranoia. Yet, I really didn't think they would send me a reply period.
The latest topic is the tetragrammaton and why the NWT translators added the name Jehovah into the their New Testament.
So as I go home, I wonder what the content of their next email will be and contemplate the my next question for them.
Perhaps this action will do nothing. Or perhaps this action will have ill effects,...but just the fact that I'm taking action has given me a little hope.
ok, i admit it, claire and i are dog mad!
last saturday we travelled to mid-wales to pick up a border collie puppy!
he's nine weeks old and we've called him ronnie (my son, dominic's, choice).
ok, i admit it, claire and i are dog mad!
last saturday we travelled to mid-wales to pick up a border collie puppy!
he's nine weeks old and we've called him ronnie (my son, dominic's, choice).
Wow, it worked.
That's my girl. She's part border collie part chow. She has a love/hate relationship with squirrels.
This is a portrait painted by my girlfriend.
ok, i admit it, claire and i are dog mad!
last saturday we travelled to mid-wales to pick up a border collie puppy!
he's nine weeks old and we've called him ronnie (my son, dominic's, choice).
Let's see if this works.
hey everybody,.
i'm not new,...just needed to change my alias.. .
Cooler King- thanks for the commentary.
Doug- thanks for the examples. I definitely need them.